
Parents / Carers will be entitled to:

  • Access to the school’s careers programme on the school website.
  • Be able to make an appointment with a careers adviser to discuss their children’s future prospects/plans.
  • Be provided with good quality and up to date future study options and labour market information to enable them to support and help their children understand and consider all available options in planning their futures including, at meetings or through information on school website.
  • Be invited to look at careers activities, information and resources, using and contributing to them if they wish
  • Receive invitations to take part in careers and information events
  • Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to their children and how it could be improved

Many parents ask “Should my child be thinking about careers yet?” It is never too early! If you and your child want to make a start in getting some ideas, you could start to discuss jobs that:

  • they have thought about already
  • are in the news or on TV programmes
  • you, family or friends do
  • link in with hobbies, interests or subjects they like

Once they have some ideas you can also help them to find out more. Look them up in the National Careers Service Job Profiles or use JED or Your Future Black Country or some of the other resources in the useful links page.

If you would like to talk to someone about your child’s career plans, please do not hesitate to contact the School.

Staff that can help

Careers Leads Mr B Taylor and Mrs J Onafowokan. Careers, employability and employer engagement – Mrs V O’Connor. Careers Guidance Mrs S Sandhu who can be contacted by email at and by phone on 0121 561 6884.


Information for Parents and Carers of Students in Years 7 – 11

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Information for Parents and Carers of Students in Post 16

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