School Admissions

The Westminster School caters for pupils with a Primary Need Moderate Learning Difficulties, plus Additional Needs aged 7-19 years.

The Admissions Authority for the School is Sandwell Local Authority.

The School would expect that all pupils referred to them for admission would have a Primary need of moderate learning difficulty. In addition to this learning difficulty, the child may also have other secondary areas of need including, but not exclusive to:

• Sensory (HI/VI) impairment
• Physical and Medical needs
• Speech, language and communication difficulties
• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

The admissions flowchart below demonstrates the admission process for The Westminster School and should be read in conjunction with our admissions policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Please see below our FAQ’s. If you have any more questions or would like further information/assistance from the school, please contact The Westminster School SEN team at or via phone call 0121 561 6884.

Does my child need to have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to apply?

All pupils must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to apply for a place at the school.

How old does my child need to be to come to TWS?

Admissions to the school start at age 7 (Year 3). Provision and need is reviewed at the end of each key stage. If suitable and needs can continue to be met, pupils can transition into Post 16 provision. If provision is deemed not suitable at the end of a Key Stage, parents and pupils will be supported to identify other suitable placements in liaison with the Independent Careers Advisor and Local Authority.

I would like to apply for a place for my child at the Westminster school, who do I contact?

If you would like to apply for a place at The Westminster School, you should firstly notify the SENCO at your child’s current provision as well as your child’s SEN caseworker at your home Local Authority. An annual review must then take place and specialist provision must be recommended by an Educational Psychologist.

The Local Authority will then consult with the school directly where it would be determined if we can meet your child’s needs, the views and opinions of the agencies and professionals who know the child will be sought during this consultation. Please note, all final decisions are made by Sandwell Local Authority.

Are admissions dealt with directly by the school?

No – all admissions are via Sandwell Local Authority. They can be contacted either via phone 0121 569 8240 or via email

I have applied for a place at The Westminster School and would like an update on my application.

We are unable to provide updates regarding applications. For any updates, please contact your SEN Case Worker at your home Local Authority.

What is the curriculum like at The Westminster School?

We offer our pupils a broad and balanced curriculum, whilst aiming to meet their individual special educational needs. The School is committed to equal opportunities, and all pupils are expected to leave School with accredited qualifications. Preparation for life takes on a more prominent role as pupils progress through the School.

You can find more about the curriculum we offer at The Westminster School by clicking here

How big are your class sizes?

Class sizes vary based on the needs of the students, but on average have around 12 pupils in them.

Will my child get transport to school?

Transport or personal mileage are available for eligible pupils at The Westminster School. To apply, you would need to do so through your home local authority, your child’s current school will need to complete a transport referral form on your behalf.

Pupils should live 3+ miles away from the school to be found eligible however in special circumstances, transport can be provided to pupils who live less than 3 miles away. Please note this decision would be made by the local authority.

More information regarding travel assistance for Sandwell pupils can be found on Sandwell’s Local Offer.

What happens once my child has been offered a place at The Westminster School?

The SEN team at The Westminster School will be in contact with yourself to inform you of transition days and provide any other information you may need. Please note, this usually happens around March/April and transition days take place during June and July.

Can I book a tour of the school?

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer individual school tours at this time. We do have a 10 minute virtual tour of the school which can be viewed here