
No pupil may be given prescribed medicines or Asthma Inhalers in School unless the parent/carer gives written consent with instructions and the medicine is in the original container bearing his/her name and the recommended dosage. These are then locked away in a designated cupboard by a member of staff responsible for First Aid. Prescribed medicines/asthma inhalers etc will be administered, logged and signed by two qualified First Aiders. The process of administering medication is coordinated by the Team Leader.

School can give pupils non-prescribed medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen etc if parents/carers have given their consent. Parents can send in non-prescribed medication such as hayfever remedies, cough medicine etc for staff to administer to pupils but this must be in the original container and unopened/unused. Parents must also give written consent for these medications to be administered.

If parents/carers send non-prescription medications into School, these must be passed to the Support Staff Team Leader to arrange administration. Emergency inhalers are also kept in school in case of any faults/problems with pupils’ inhalers. The Team Leader can advise on the use of these.

Medication to be administered at school form – please complete this form and return it to school via email to