Vision, aims and values
Statement of Intent
The Westminster School is committed to raising standards with moderate learning difficulties (M.L.D.) + pupils, working towards educational and social inclusion, in partnership with the community to develop as a Centre of Excellence promoting the highest expectations, whilst meeting individual needs.
To develop and maintain an inclusive, caring and supportive school community for pupils and staff which promotes high quality teaching and learning, positive relationships, high self-esteem and an understanding of, and respect for cultural and ethnic diversity and beliefs.
To provide a broad, balanced and carefully differentiated curriculum that ensures that all pupils achieve their full potential academically, morally, socially, physically and spiritually, irrespective of gender, culture, race or disability.
To provide a wide, varied and relevant range of high quality and well resourced curricular activities that stimulate interests and prepare pupils for lifelong learning in the modern, inclusive, technological and multi-cultural world.
To ensure that pupils develop confidence, self-esteem, independence, respect for themselves and others, preparing them to be active, responsible and tolerant members of the community.
To ensure that pupils work and progress are monitored and evaluated, ensuring that recording procedures identify pupils needs and recognise a broad range of achievements.
To develop and maintain an effective continuing professional development programme for all staff that serves the needs of the whole school.
To provide a secure, welcoming, pleasant, clean, attractive and stimulating environment, in which meaningful teaching and learning can take place.
To build positive partnerships with parents/carers/governors, the local authority, external agencies, other schools and the wider community (industry, commerce and community groups).