The Westminster School Curriculum Statement
The purpose of our Curriculum at The Westminster School is to provide an inclusive learning experience which addresses the needs of all learners, regardless of special educational need, ethnicity, gender or ability. We promote our core value of Safe, Happy and Learning Together at every opportunity. We also believe our Curriculum should be reflective of the community that our pupils live in, and responsive to the changing priorities both nationally and internationally.
We provide our pupils with opportunities to develop;
Communication skills
High quality basic skills
Engagement, intrigue and ownership of their learning.
Teamwork skills, valuing diversity and connecting with others.
Opportunities to develop independence including how to stay safe.
The ability to see a mistake or failure as a learning opportunity.
Reflection and ability to share and celebrate their work and their peers
Recent national reviews (eg Rochford Review) and changes to National Curriculum have afforded us the opportunity to revise our curriculum delivery at all key stages. We continue to utilize the National Curriculum Guidance to support our learners to engage in wide and varied learning opportunities. These are continuously reviewed in order to ensure relevant and challenging progress is made by all learners.
Independence is at the heart of everything we do. We recognize that our pupils have had varied experiences of education before transferring to The Westminster School. We aim to build on their prior successes through a focused and, for some, personalized curriculum which presents relevant and stimulating learning opportunities that prepare our learners for adulthood.
At The Westminster School we recognize that our staff create and develop curriculum every day. Staff undertake ongoing CPDL and utilize opportunities to develop the pedagogic skills to support delivery of the Curriculum. Recently this has included focused projects on Engagement and Personal Development for our complex learners.
Critical to all aspects of curriculum delivery:
Basic Skills run through all curriculum areas, rich texts, clear audience, purpose.
Opportunities to communicate and develop active listening and respect.
Celebration of all learning outcomes.
Learners are encouraged to develop enquiry and investigation as a fundamental part of learning, opportunities for experiential learning are planned for.
Pupils have the opportunity to make decisions and take responsibility.
Planned for opportunities to work in different groups with different models of working including parents and the wider community (school and beyond)
Opportunities for the learners to make mistakes in a safe working environment.
Supportive and stimulating classroom environments.
Lessons include opportunities to review and improve work through self or peer assessment and feedback from the teacher. AfL is used effectively and planned for.
We recognise that all our learners benefit from applying applying their learning in a real life and purposeful environment. Staff are encouraged to create opportunities within the Curriculum to enable pupils to practice their skills by taking their learning outside the classroom (LOtC). As all pupils learn in different ways, so these skills need to be practiced in different environments. These experiences range from Forest School, Work Experience, Duke of Edinburgh, Travel Training, Museum and Art Gallery visits, shopping in local areas and engagement in local leisure activities.
Throughout all aspects of the curriculum we endeavour to ensure that pupils needs and interests are catered for both at an academic and pastoral level. We are very proud of the pupils in our school. Staff, Governors, Parents and carers are committed to achieving positive outcomes for each child regardless of need or ability.
Building foundations and providing opportunities to create confident, aspirational and independent members of our community.