Aims and Intent Statement
- Our values are encompassed in our statement of Safe, Happy and Learning Together. Through this we seek to develop our values statement: Building foundations and providing opportunities to create confident, aspirational and independent members of our community.
- The Westminster School is committed to raising standards with MLD + pupils, working towards educational and social inclusion, in partnership with the community to develop as a Centre of Excellence promoting the highest expectations, whilst meeting individual needs.
- To ensure that pupils develop confidence, self-esteem, independence, respect for themselves and others, preparing them to be active, responsible and tolerant members of the community.
- To build positive partnerships with parents/ carers/guardians/Governors, the Local Authority, external agencies, other schools and the wider community (industry, commerce and community groups).
- To equip all with the skills, understanding and confidence to make a positive transition at the end of their time at the school whether this be in further education, employment or independent and supported living.
- School will work towards the GATSBY Benchmarks, CDI Framework and The Quality Careers Award to ensure excellent careers education information and guidance throughout the school (benchmarks in brackets) see next page for explanation of GATSBY
- To provide up to date and relevant labour market information for students/parent/carers to make informed choices—(see page on labour market information)
- Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy is available here and this is reviewed annually.