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1 March 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

COVID Update – March 2022

Government guidance for schools in relation to Covid has changed and I am writing to confirm the procedures we will have in school in line with this new guidance.

Following the new guidance, I can confirm that:

  • Children with any of the main symptoms of COVID should get a PCR test and stay at home whilst awaiting the result.
  • Children will still need to self-isolate at home if they test positive for COVID.
  • Staff and pupils in Special Schools are asked to continue taking LFT tests twice-weekly where possible.
  • Children who live with someone who has COVID can continue to attend school as normal (but we would appreciate it if parents let school know so we can take any necessary precautions).
  • Close contacts of positive cases will not have to lateral flow test for 7 days.


The most recent guidance states that people with COVID should still self-isolate and we will be following this guidance in school.

  • Please do not send your child to school if they have a temperature or are unwell.
  • If your child becomes ill whilst at school, you will be asked to collect them. In this event, you should make arrangements for them to be tested. School should be informed of the result as soon as possible.
  • If your child has COVID symptoms and you do not test your child, we ask that they do not attend school for 10 days to reduce the possibility of transmission.
  • A positive result will mean that your child will need to isolate.  Your child should self-isolate for up to 10 days. Many people will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days. Your child can take an LFT test 5 full days after symptoms started, followed by another LFT test the next day. Please note that Day One is the day after symptoms started or the day after the test was taken. However, we are asking that the earliest children and staff return to school is after having negative test results on day 6 and day 7.

Please continue to keep school informed about your child’s return date after testing positive. We will review this as and when the guidance is further updated. It is very important that these isolation procedures are followed by staff and children so that the risk of transmission is kept to a minimum.

There are more changes due over the coming weeks, particularly when free lateral flow and PCR testing comes to an end, so I will be in touch again then with the implications this has for our young people.


Thank you for supporting school throughout the pandemic to keep our school community as safe as possible. If you have any questions, please contact me via email


Yours faithfully


O M Flowers
Head Teacher