28 April 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

The Westminster School – Ofsted Inspection Report

We have now received our report from Ofsted following our inspection which was conducted on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 March.  The report will be published on the Ofsted website over the next 6 days. You can read the report here.

I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank all our staff who worked tirelessly throughout the two days to showcase the fabulous work they do to support the education and wellbeing of our students.  Throughout the inspection we ran the normal everyday practices of the school and demonstrated how we support the education and holistic development of our students to meet them at the point of need to achieve exceptional outcomes.  This was clearly seen by the inspections.  Relationships are the cornerstone of school values and this means that behaviour is exemplary and our compassionate approach achieves an environment where all stakeholders are Safe, Happy and Learning Together.

I would like to thank everyone who responded to the Ofsted surveys during the inspection as it helped to build a picture of how the community views the work of the school.  Our Governing Board and wider partnerships were exceptionally supportive throughout the inspection and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their involvement in proceedings.

This was an ungraded inspection which could have changed during the course of the two days if colleagues at Ofsted were concerned about any aspect of the school provision.  As it happened, they found nothing of concern and consequently, we still maintain the accolade of Outstanding.  We do have some development points which we were already aware of, and we are committed to actioning these in the coming months to enhance the provision for our young people. They specifically relate to continuing to support the development of our beginning and emerging readers and we also need to be more overt with how the knowledge aspects of our curriculum intertwine with our innovative and progressive skills-based curriculum. We have already implemented many of these elements of development and we are confident that our educational provision accurately and acutely meets our students at the point of need.

As a school, we never stand still, and we are still developing and embedding innovation.  We continue to be ambitious in all we do to break down barriers for our students and provide them with a rich educational offering.  As a school community, we are committed and excited to continue to develop and we look forward to our next full inspection, so we can showcase the full breadth of school culture and provision.

Kind Regards


Mr Oliver Flowers
(Proud Head Teacher of an exceptional school)