Dear Parents/Carers,

It was so nice to see so many smiles on the Children’s faces this morning and to welcome everyone back on what is a sunny start to the School year.

Just to provide clarity on the arrangements for the end of the school day. This only applies if you collect your child directly from school. If your child is transported by mini-bus this does not apply to you.

Students will finish school at 3:05pm. We operate a one way system from 2:30pm and you will be unable to enter through the main gates located on Hawes Lane (B65 9AL). When you come to collect your child you will need to enter through the Curral Road/ St Michaels Entrance (B65 9AN). Then follow the signs for The Westminster School. Once you come down the ramp from the St Michaels Car Park please proceed to drive past the main pupil entrance/ mini bus drop off and park in the Main Reception Car Park. If there are no parking bays available, please stay in your vehicle and park up further round the bend as if you are leaving via the Hawes Lane Entrance (ensuring you leave space for vehicles to pass you by). A member of staff will approach your vehicle to see who it is you are collecting and they will be brought to your car once they have been signed out. You may have to wait a short amount of time for them to walk down from their class to the exit point.

Please can we ask parents who are not parked in a designated bay to stay in their vehicle or if you wish stand next to your vehicle, as we have had issues in the past where vehicles have been left abandoned in the middle of the road and have prevented vehicles from passing them.

If you park in a designated bay then you are free to leave you car and await by the reception entrance, please do not call your child if you see them waiting as we will need to sign them out one by one.

Once you have collected your child you can then leave through the Hawes Lane gate by following the one way system out.

We will continue to review this process, and your feedback and support would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you all later.


Many thanks,

The Westminster School